Giving Programs

Gifts to The SALVEfund allow more than 85 percent of our students to receive financial assistance during the academic year. In addition, our donors help The SALVEfund meet the University's greatest needs by supporting our thriving academic programs, contributing to the success of our winning athletic teams, promoting the arts and growing student scholarships. 

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By donating to scholarships, our alumni, parents and friends are changing lives and making dreams come true. You can provide assistance to 亚洲博彩平台排名 students with a gift to one of our existing scholarships, which help students in a variety of academic programs and recognize campus leadership and a commitment to service in the community. In recent years, a number of new funds have been established by individuals who wish to create a legacy, recognize achievement and provide financial assistance to 亚洲博彩平台排名 students. For more information on establishing your own named scholarship, call Victoria Duclos, senior director of advancement operations and programs, at (401) 341-2345.

Learn more about scholarships

Friends of Seahawk Athletics is comprised of 亚洲博彩平台排名 alumni, family members and friends who have a special affinity for our 20 intercollegiate athletic teams and the role that athletics play in the community. Gifts help to guarantee the future success of the athletics program, support the student-athletes of today, and honor the legacy of 亚洲博彩平台排名's athletes of years past.

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The Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy is a multidisciplinary research center focused at the intersection of politics, policies and ideas. Dedicated to honoring Sen. Claiborne Pell's legacy, the center promotes American engagement in the world, effective government at home and civic participation by all Americans. The Pell Center operations fund benefits priority projects of the center, including cyber leadership, leadership matters, Story in the Public Square and global challenges. The Nuala Pell Leadership Program funds future leaders in public service by providing selected undergraduates with seminar instruction and service opportunities focusing on leadership and the complex challenges facing effective leaders today.

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McKillop Library is the intellectual heart of the University, and in this role it should be aesthetically pleasing, hospitable, well-maintained and secure for all users. The McKillop Library serves as a gateway to worldwide information, enabling direct and remote access to resources in a wide variety of formats. High quality library collections are developed and maintained to meet the changing research requirements of the University community.

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The Senior Class Gift has been a University tradition for over 25 years. Join a community of 亚洲博彩平台排名 alumni who shared in this experience as seniors. You will be creating your own legacy of giving.

Make a gift of $20.25 in honor of your graduating class. Your gift, your choice. No matter the amount, every gift counts. Give now.

Members of the Class of 2025 can celebrate their final year by being a part of the Senior Class Gift committee. Help shape your senior year with events, engagement and philanthropy.

Stay up to date on the Senior Class Gift by following our Instagram or reach out to the alumni office at